Never Forget Protection…For Your Skin!

Never Forget Protection…For Your Skin!

The ladies are wearing it. It’s all over the internet. So what is “SPF” and why should you be using it every day?

SPF stands for “Sun Protection Factor,” and it’s become synonymous with “sun protection.” We’ll get into some more info about the technicalities of what all this means, but let’s start with WHY all men should protect their skin, because in the realm of skincare, SPF isn't just a mere option— it's a non-negotiable necessity.

Sun protection wards off sunburn, premature aging such as wrinkle and dark spots (hyperpigmentation), and the C-word. No…not THAT C-word. We're talking about the big bad "C"— Cancer. SPF isn't just your skincare MVP; it's your bodyguard against the UVB rays that love to turn skin cells into rebels. Going out without sun protection in the morning is like procrastinating for so long to check your oil that your engine just explodes one day, when all you needed was to pull out the dipstick and top it off! It’s easy to protect yourself from the effects of sun damage with just a 10-second face slather every day.

So how high is high? SPF, we mean. Typically, the recommendation is minimum SPF 30 or SPF 50 because these should last for most of the day. If you use something lower, you gotta reapply. Do you wanna tote around a bottle in your purse all day? Of course not! You don’t have a purse. Just slap the right stuff on in the morning and you’ll be good to go.

SPF Grid, Source: Banana Boat

Source, Banana Boat

You’ve probably seen sunscreen and then moisturizer with SPF. So what’s the difference? Moisturizers with SPF are like the sidekicks of the skin protection world. Sure, they offer some protection, but nothing beats the superhero strength of standalone sunscreen. Usually, they have a lower SPF than sunscreen alone because the level of skin protection is determined by the concentration of ray-blocking active ingredients in the formula of the product.

Meme: BuT i DoN’t NeEd SpF!

YES, YOU DO! Let’s knock out some of these excuses.

  • “I’m inside all day.” Are you walking the dog, or sitting with a view of natural light? How about driving to work? Many people develop sunspots on the left side of their faces from the sun shining in from their car windows; in fact, you can clearly see the skin damage that truck driver Bill McElligott experienced differently on each side of his face from 20 years of driving delivery.
    • “Sunscreen smells bad.” Then you're not using the right stuff. If you don’t like the smell, there are countless other options with light to no scent. We can help you find these!
    • “It makes me break out.” Again, wrong stuff. You may need an oil-free formula, or a different mix of active ingredients that works better with your skin.
    • “I forget to use it.” All you gotta do is work it into your routine. Do you ever forget to brush your teeth? We hope not. You’ll get used to it soon enough.
    • “I don’t know what to buy.” We hope you know a little more now, and we’ll include some good options you might want to try!

    It’s never too early—or too late—to start protecting your skin! Apply your sunscreen diligently, face the sun confidently, and let your skin take on the role of the unsung hero in your daily battle against the elements. Here's to SPF, because safeguarding your skin is a responsibility worth taking seriously!

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